Though there appears to be a tension between the song short form -simple, with alternating verses and choruses- and the large symphonic form developed during the classical era in Europe, Lorenz uses Canciones de Jara to resolve some of those contradictions and explore the deeper meanings of Jara's songs. 'That's what the symphonic context allows,' he says.
Courier Post's Dave Allen previewing the East Coast premiere of Lorenz's Canciones de...
The second half of the concert felt more convincing than the first. After Mr. Giorgetti’s “Dialogue” came the Venezuelan-American composer Ricardo Lorenz’s “Compass Points,” the most successful piece on Sunday’s program. Each of the work’s three sections was written in a different location and reflects the composer’s state of mind and circumstances at the time. The first movement, composed in Umbria, Italy, offered a sultry...
Ricardo Lorenz’s first composition, written at age 12, was extremely simple. “Just two chords, jumping back and forth,” he says with a laugh. “I got such a kick out of it.” Now, after more than 25 years as a composer, Venezuelan-born Lorenz, PhD’99, not only creates large-scale works for multi-instrument groups, but he also harmonizes two musical worlds: classical and Latin American. More>
"Ricardo Lorenz's 'Bachangó' translates the rhythmic tradition of the black Caribbean into steely pianistic bravura."
Bernard Holland, THE NEW YORK TIMES
"Its appeal is atmospheric, evoking visceral responses to layer upon layer of divergent rhythms and quixotic melodic lines that fit together with jigsaw puzzle perfection."
"Ricardo Lorenz proved his mastery of large forces in his Concierto para Orquesta."